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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Additional members on board
§ 83-c. Additional members on board. In addition to the foregoing, the
following additional members shall be added to the board depending upon
the type of merger involved:

(a) Consolidation of two police agencies. The chief of police of both
agencies involved in the consolidation and the chief executive officer
of both municipalities involved in the consolidation.

(b) Consolidation of all or a combination of more than two existing
police departments in the county. In cases where all or a combination of
existing police departments in the county are being merged into a
uniform county or part-county police department, then the chiefs of
police of the departments involved in the merger shall select from among
themselves one member to represent the group. Similarly all the chief
executives of the municipalities involved in the merger shall select one
of their members to represent the group.

(c) Consolidation of all or a combination of more than two existing
police departments in the county and the criminal division of the
sheriff's department. In addition to the members of the board previously
indicated, there shall be added to the board, the sheriff.

(d) For the purposes of this section, the chief of police means that
person who is employed by a municipality on a full-time salaried basis
for the express purpose of administering a police department and who has
successfully passed a civil service examination for chief of police, and
has received such appointment.