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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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When discharge to be granted
Debtor & Creditor (DCD) CHAPTER 12, ARTICLE 3
§ 79. When discharge to be granted. Upon the production by the
petitioner of a certificate of the trustee or trustees, duly
acknowledged or proved, and certified, in like manner as a deed to be
recorded in the county, to the effect, that the insolvent has assigned,
for the benefit of all his creditors, all his property so directed to be
assigned, and all the books, vouchers, and papers relating thereto, and
that he has delivered so much thereof as is capable of delivery; and
also of a certificate of the county clerk, that the assignment has been
duly recorded in his office; the court must grant to the insolvent a
discharge from his debts, which has the effect declared in the following
sections of this article.