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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Civil defense commission established; state director
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 3
§ 20. Civil defense commission established; state director. 1. There
is hereby continued in the division of military and naval affairs in the
executive department a state civil defense commission to consist of the
same members as the members of the disaster preparedness commission as
established in article two-B of the executive law. In addition, the
superintendent of financial services, the chairperson of the workers'
compensation board and the commissioner of the department of veterans'
services shall be members. The governor shall designate one of the
members of the commission to be the chairperson thereof. The commission
may provide for its division into subcommittees and for action by such
subcommittees with the same force and effect as action by the full
commission. The members of the commission, except for those who serve ex
officio, shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred
in the performance of their duties under this article but shall receive
no additional compensation for services rendered pursuant to this

2. The commission may from time to time establish, alter, or abolish
civil defense districts in the state and establish or abolish district
offices of civil defense.

3. The commission may appoint and at its pleasure remove a state
director, who may be a member of the commission, prescribe his duties
and fix his compensation within the appropriation made available
therefor, provided, however, that if the director so appointed is
receiving compensation for services as an officer or employee of the
state he shall receive no additional compensation for services rendered
pursuant to this article but shall be allowed his actual and necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of his duties under this article.
Such state director, subject to the supervision and control of the
commission, shall exercise all of the functions, powers and duties of
the commission which may be delegated to him by the commission.

4. The state director, with the approval of the commission, shall
appoint and may remove such deputies, assistants, counsel and employees
as may be deemed necessary and fix their salaries within the
appropriation made available therefor.