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Specific requirements in cities and counties
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 3
§ 23. Specific requirements in cities and counties. In furtherance of
its responsibility under section twenty-two, and not in limitation
thereof, each county, except those contained in the city of New York,
and each city shall in conformity with the plan, regulations or orders
of the commission, in order to prepare for attack and for the period of
rehabilitation and recovery following an attack:

A. In General.

1. a. Within sixty days after request by the commission pursuant to
this act, submit to the commission a plan in the form requested by it
providing for the full integration of existing resources, of manpower,
materials, facilities and services into a civil defense force and a
detailed plan for civil defense operations in the event of attack,
specifying all proposed units, installations, materials, facilities,
proposed assembly points, routes, standard operating procedures and such
other information as may be required by the commission.

b. Upon receipt of such plan, the commission shall approve or
disapprove the plan as soon as possible. If supplemental information is
required, the county or city shall so furnish it within the time
specified by the commission. If the commission does not approve the
plan, it shall inform the local director and the chief executive officer
of the county or city of the reason for disapproval. After giving such
director and the chief executive officer an opportunity to be heard the
commission may reject the plan or amend it as it deems necessary. When
approved, such plan shall become the plan of civil defense of such city
or county.

c. If the plan is rejected, such city or county shall, in conformance
with the requirements of the commission and within the time fixed by the
commission, submit a superseding plan. If the commission disapproves the
superseding plan or if it is not submitted within the time fixed by the
commission, the commission shall report the matter to the governor.

2. Acquire, construct, install, store and maintain facilities and
materials in accordance with the provisions of section twenty-three-a of
this act.

B. Organization and Administration.

3. Institute public information programs to keep residents informed
with respect to achieving protection from fallout radiation and other
dangers resulting from attack and with respect to all other matters
necessary to personal and public safety during and subsequent to attack.

4. Equip and train the members of all municipal agencies for the
performance of specific civil defense duties during and subsequent to

5. Organize, approve, recruit, equip and train volunteer agencies for
civil defense purposes.

6. Classify buildings, structures and other real property in
accordance with their suitability for shelter use and for the safety and
health of the people during and subsequent to attack, and designate such
thereof as may be appropriate and feasible for such purposes.

7. Establish, equip and operate control centers for use in directing
civil defense activities during and subsequent to attack.

8. Establish, staff and operate such observation posts, warning
centers and similar facilities as may be required by the commission.

9. Conduct tests and drills necessary to train civil defense forces
and to acquaint the public with civil defense procedures.

10. Establish such communication systems as are necessary for prompt
and effective transmission of orders and information.

11. Recruit and train physicians, nurses and auxiliary medical
personnel to provide medical care during and subsequent to attack.

12. Establish emergency facilities to increase the capacity of
existing hospitals within such city or county.

l3. Organize, staff and equip all medical laboratories as emergency
blood procurement centers.

14. Assign, recruit and organize all publicly owned construction and
health service equipment and publicly employed construction,
radiological, health service and sanitation personnel into public works,
public utility, monitoring, decontamination, rescue and health service

15. Identify, locate and plan for integration with such teams all
privately owned construction and health service equipment, all trained
construction, radiological, health service and sanitation personnel and
all public utility installation and maintenance personnel.

l6. Assign, and equip publicly owned vehicles for civil defense

17. Survey all housing facilities to determine maximum capacity to
receive homeless persons and evacuees.

C. Continuity of Government.

18. Recruit, train and equip radiological control center personnel,
decontamination specialists and radiological monitors and maintain the
necessary supporting staff, materials and facilities.

19. Provide protected emergency operating centers for the continuation
of local government operations during and subsequent to an attack.

20. Provide, in accordance with the provisions of section
twenty-nine-a of this act, for the continuity of political subdivisions
during and subsequent to an attack by

(a) establishing lines of succession of elected and appointed
officers, and

(b) modifying the quorum requirements of legislative or governing
bodies to permit the continuance of official action under emergency

21. Make provision for the storage of essential governmental records.

D. Public Order.

22. Recruit, equip and train auxiliary police or special deputy
sheriffs in sufficient number to maintain order and control traffic in
the event of an attack and to perform such other police and emergency
civil defense functions as may be required during and subsequent to

23. Control pedestrian and vehicular traffic during tests and drills
and during and subsequent to attack.

24. Recruit, equip and train either directly or through other
political subdivisions of the state auxiliary firemen in sufficient
numbers to permit the most effective utilization of all fire apparatus
and to perform such other fire fighting and emergency civil defense
functions as may be required during and subsequent to attack.

E. Recovery and Rehabilitation.

25. Provide means and methods for the recovery and rehabilitation of
such city or county following an attack.

26. Recruit, train and equip an organization to care for persons in
need of defense emergency aid as a result of attack.