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Conscription for civil defense forces
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 3
§ 26. Conscription for civil defense forces. 1. When authorized by
regulation of the council, a county or a city may conscript persons to
perform the duties specified in sections twenty-three and twenty-four of
this chapter. Selection of such personnel shall be on a fair and
impartial basis and in accordance with the regulations of the council.

2. A regulation of the council authorizing such action shall be
effective only under the following circumstances:

a. If after the effective date of this act the United States declares
war, or

b. If an attack occurs upon any part of the United States, or its
bases, territories or possessions, or

c. If the personnel necessary to make effective a plan of civil
defense of any county or city is not supplied by volunteers in
accordance with the following schedule: within three months after the
approval of such plan, twenty-five per cent; within six months after
such approval, fifty per cent; within twelve months after such approval,
seventy-five per cent.

3. Such regulation by the council shall provide for selection of
personnel on a fair and impartial basis by age, training, occupation,
ability or such other classification as the council finds appropriate
and shall specify any exceptions to such classifications in connection
with physical condition, family needs, callings, vocations or
professions which must be followed or performed during or after attack,
unusual occupational demands, or similar matters.

4. Whenever practicable the appropriate selective service officers and
other state and federal agencies having powers and duties with respect
to manpower shall be informed of action taken pursuant to this section
and such action shall be coordinated with the action of those agencies.

5. If the legislature is in regular session the council through the
governor shall within five days transmit to the legislature for its
consideration a report of any action taken pursuant to this section. If
the legislature is not in session and consideration of such report has
not been included in the governor's call for an extraordinary session of
the legislature, the governor shall transmit such report to the
legislature at the opening of its next regular session.

6. Regular or duly ordained ministers of religion and members of
recognized religious orders shall be exempt from the application of the
powers granted by this section.