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Continuity of political subdivisions
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 3
§ 29-a. Continuity of political subdivisions. In conformity with the
plan, regulations or orders of the commission, every county, except
those contained within the city of New York, every city, every town and
every village shall have power to provide by local law, and every other
political subdivision shall have power to provide by resolution, for its
continuity and that of its elective and appointive officers, including
members of its legislative or governing body, where, as a result of an
attack, any of such officers is unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office or is absent from the political subdivision. In any
such local law or resolution, provision may be made that the removal of
a disability or the termination of an absence from the political
subdivision of an officer higher on a list or order of succession to an
office shall not terminate the service in such office of an individual
lower on such list or order of succession who is temporarily filling
such office. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law, a local law or
resolution adopted pursuant to this section may be made effective
without approval at a mandatory or permissive referendum but in no case
shall such local law or resolution become effective until one certified
copy thereof has been filed with the clerk of the political subdivision
or other appropriate official designated for such purpose by the
respective legislative or governing body, one certified copy thereof has
been filed in the office of the state comptroller and three certified
copies thereof have been filed in the office of the secretary of state.

No provision of this section shall be construed or interpreted as
affecting the validity of any ordinance enacted prior to July first,
nineteen hundred sixty-six, or actions taken thereunder by the
government of any county, city, town or village.