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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Petition to close or restrict use of travel upon highways or to post property
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 6
§ 81. Petition to close or restrict use of travel upon highways or to
post property. (a) Any agency of the United States engaged in or
concerned with the defense effort, (b) any agency of the state, (c) the
chief executive officer or the governing body of any political
subdivision of the state or (d) an individual, partnership, association
or corporation using or preparing to use real property in connection
with the operation of a public utility, an airport, a dock, or a wharf,
or the manufacture, transportation, distribution or storage of
explosives, firearms, inflammable liquids, gas, oil, coal, electricity,
water or any product to be used in the defense effort by this state, of
any state of the United States, or a political subdivision, by the
United States or any associated power thereof, may petition the
commissioner for an order to close or to direct the appropriate official
or body to close to public use and travel and to restrict public use and
travel upon, any highway or part thereof or to post property, on which
such use and travel or entrance by the general public is deemed
dangerous to the public safety and security or to the defense effort, or
to the safety of property of the petitioner.