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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers of peace officers
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 6
§ 85. Powers of peace officers. Any peace officer or any person
employed as watchman, guard or in a supervisory capacity on premises
posted in accordance with the provisions of section eighty-three of this
act may stop any person found on any premises so posted and may detain
him for the purpose of demanding, and may demand, of him his name,
address and reason for being in such place. If such peace officer or
employee has reason to believe from the answers of the person so
interrogated or from his behavior or other attendant facts or
circumstances that such person does not have permission to be in such
place, such peace officer may forthwith arrest such person without a
warrant on the charge of violating the provisions of such section or
such employee may forthwith turn him over to a peace officer, who may
arrest him without a warrant on the charge of violating the provisions
of such section.