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Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 7
§ 90. Definitions. 1. "Institution," when used in this article, shall
mean and include any banking organization or licensed lender within the
meaning of such terms as defined in section two of the banking law, any
branch or agency of a foreign banking corporation licensed to do
business in this state pursuant to article two of such law, any casher
of checks licensed pursuant to article nine-A of such law, any bank
holding company within the meaning of such term as defined in section
one hundred forty-one of such law, the New York business development
corporation created by article five-A of such law, the savings and loan
bank of the state of New York organized pursuant to article ten-B of
such law, any mutual trust investment company organized pursuant to
article twelve-A of such law, any fund as defined in subdivision two of
this section, and any branch or office of any institution.

2. "Fund," when used in this article, shall mean any fund established
pursuant to article six-B, article ten-A or article eleven-A of such
law, of which fund there is a board of individual trustees.

3. "Corporate institution," when used in this article, shall mean any
institution which is a corporation organized under the laws of the state
of New York and, insofar as the provisions of this article may
appropriately apply thereto, any fund.

4. "Charter," when used in this article, shall mean and include the
certificate of organization or incorporation or special law
incorporating a corporation together with its bylaws, or the agreement
establishing a fund.

5. "Acute emergency," when used in this article, shall mean a
condition in which, by reason of loss of life, epidemic disease,
destruction or damage of property, contamination of property by
radiological, chemical or bacteriological means, or disruption of the
means of transportation and communication, resulting from an attack, it
is impossible or impracticable for any institution to conduct its
ordinary business in compliance with the laws other than this article
and, if a corporate institution, in compliance with the provisions of
its charter.

6. "Director" and "board of directors," when used in this article,
shall include respectively "trustee" and "board of trustees," including
an individual trustee and a board of individual trustees of any fund.

7. "Acting director" and "acting officer" when used in this article,
shall mean, respectively, an acting director or acting officer elected
or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.

8. "Quorum," when used in this article, shall mean with respect to any
item of business which may come before any meeting of directors of a
corporate institution the minimum number of directors required by the
provisions of law other than this article and by the charter of such
institution to be present for valid action to be taken at such meeting
with respect to such business.

9. "Superintendent," when used in this article, shall mean the
superintendent of financial services.