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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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General provisions
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 7-A
§ 99-a. General provisions. 1. In any action or proceeding it shall
be presumed that an acute emergency existing within any city or county
within the state constitutes an acute emergency affecting every
organization doing business within such city or county.

2. During an acute emergency (a) the board of a domestic organization
which has adopted emergency by-laws approved by the superintendent shall
have the powers conferred by such by-laws and, except as provided in
section ninety-nine, subdivision three (a), shall, to the extent that
such by-laws relate to the subject matter contained in subdivisions two
through seven of section ninety-eight have no other or different powers
with respect to such subject matter, and (b) the board of a domestic
organization which has not adopted emergency by-laws approved by the
superintendent shall have all of the powers of an emergency board of
directors pursuant to section ninety-eight of this article.