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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Order of support by parent
Domestic Relations (DOM) CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 13
§ 240-b. Order of support by parent. When the court makes an order of
support pursuant to section two hundred forty of this article, and where
permitted under federal law and where the record of the proceedings
contains such information, the court shall require the social security
number of such parent to be affixed to such order; provided, however,
that no such order shall be invalid because of the omission of such
number. Where the record of the proceedings contains such information,
such order shall also include on its face the name and address of the
employer, if any, of the person chargeable with support provided,
however, that failure to comply with this requirement shall not
invalidate such order. Where the order of child support or combined
child and spouse support is made on behalf of persons in receipt of
public assistance or in receipt of services pursuant to section one
hundred eleven-g of the social services law, the court shall require
each party to provide, and update upon any change, the following
information to the court by reporting such change to the support
collection unit designated by the appropriate social services district:
social security number, residential and mailing addresses, telephone
number, driver's license number; and name, address and telephone number
of the parties' employers. Due process requirements for notice and
service of process for subsequent hearings are met, with respect to such
party, upon sending written notice by first class mail to the most
recent residential address on record with the support collection unit;
or by sending by first class mail written notice to the most recent
employer address on record with the support collection unit, if a true
copy thereof also is sent by first class mail to the most recent
residential address on record with the support collection unit. Any such
order issued on or after the first day of October, nineteen hundred
ninety-nine shall also include, where available, the social security
number of each child on whose behalf support has been ordered.