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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers and duties of department of social services relating to vocational rehabilitation of blind persons
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 21
§ 1009. Powers and duties of department of social services relating to
vocational rehabilitation of blind persons. 1. The board of social
services, the department of social services and the New York state
commission for the visually handicapped shall retain, and shall continue
to exercise, all the powers and duties relating to blind persons
conferred on them by the provisions of any other law.

2. The department of social services is empowered to perform any and
all acts that may be required to be performed by it by any law of the
United States in order to obtain funds through the New York state board
for vocational education, or otherwise, from any federal department or
agency, for use in the vocational rehabilitation of blind persons; such
department is further empowered to use and expend such funds for the
purpose herein mentioned in accordance with the provisions of any law of
the United States making such funds available to the state.

3. (a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article,
funds made available to the state by the United States to be used for
vocational rehabilitation of blind persons shall be accepted and used by
the state for such purposes provided the department of social services
shall determine to accept and to use the same in accordance with the
provisions of any law of the United States.

(b) Provided the federal government shall make funds available, the
department of social services and its commission for the visually
handicapped are empowered to accept gifts for the extension and
improvement of non-profit facilities and workshops for the training and
rehabilitation of blind persons, and to match the value of such gifts
made to such department or commission for such purposes by or on behalf
of such non-profit facilities or workshops. The department may utilize
such federal funds and gifts for such purposes and may make appropriate
agreements therefor with suitable non-profit agencies serving the blind.