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This entry was published on 2019-06-07
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Additional duties of school administrators and superintendents
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 23-B
§ 1128-a. Additional duties of school administrators and

1. Where a superintendent of schools or, in a school other than a
school district or public school, the school administrator forwards to
law enforcement a report as described in paragraph (a) of subdivision
one or subdivision one-a of section eleven hundred twenty-six of this
article, he or she shall refer such report to the commissioner where the
employee or volunteer alleged to have committed an act of child abuse as
defined in this article holds a certification or license issued by the

2. A report which is made pursuant to this article and does not, after
investigation, result in a criminal conviction shall be expunged from
any record which may be kept by a school or school district with respect
to the subject of such a report after a period of five years from the
date of the making of such report or at such earlier time as such
school, or school district, as the case may be, determines.