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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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New York state biological survey
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 5, PART 1
§ 235-b. New York state biological survey. 1. The New York state
biological survey is hereby established in the New York state science
service within the state museum to inventory, research, analyze and
disseminate information about all the biota of New York. The biological
survey shall:

(a) Develop and maintain an inventory of the biological resources of
New York state, with special emphasis on identifying those resources
that are important to biological diversity, have real or potential
economic significance, or have particular scientific, systematic, or
environmental importance;

(b) Conduct research on and advance the knowledge of the biological
and ecological characteristics and processes that constitute or affect
New York state's environment;

(c) Interpret and publish the results of research on New York state's
biological resources, thereby making information available to citizens,
teachers, industry, and government for educational purposes and for use
in decision making;

(d) Insure the preservation and appropriate expansion of the state's
collection of scientific specimens and artifacts, conduct research on
these collections, and make specimens and data available for biological
resource studies, ecosystem analyses, and other research projects; and

(e) Cooperate with the department of environmental conservation,
office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, and other state
and federal agencies, private organizations and institutions,
corporations, and individuals interested in biological resources.

2. The survey shall not be authorized to enter any privately owned
lands without the written consent of the landowner, lessee, or person in
control. The survey shall be authorized to enter into agreements with
landowners to enter private lands on such terms as may be acceptable.