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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 8
§ 350. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context shall
otherwise require, the following terms shall mean:

1. "State university." The state university created by this article.

2. "Community colleges." Colleges established and operated pursuant to
the provisions of article one hundred twenty-six, and providing two-year
post secondary programs in general and technical educational subjects
and receiving financial assistance from the state.

3. "Statutory or contract colleges." Colleges furnishing higher
education, operated by independent institutions on behalf of the state
pursuant to statute or contractual agreements; provided, that an
institution not otherwise a statutory or contract college shall not
become a statutory or contract college because of its receipt of state
funds or financial assistance pursuant to section three hundred
fifty-eight hereof, or by entering into any contract pursuant to that

4. "State-operated institutions." Institutions comprising the state
university as provided for in subdivision three of section three hundred
fifty-two hereof, but not including statutory or contract colleges.

5. "State university health care facility" shall mean a hospital, as
defined in section twenty-eight hundred one of the public health law,
operated by the state university, or a clinic, as defined in subdivision
six of this section, of a state university health sciences center at
Brooklyn, Buffalo, Stony Brook and Syracuse, or the College of

6. "Clinic" shall mean a facility located either within or outside of
a state university health care facility providing services related to
the medical education mission of the university, but shall not include
state university student health services.

* 7. "University centers" shall mean the university centers at Albany,
Binghamton, Buffalo and Stony Brook.

* NB Repealed July 1, 2027

* 8. "NY-SUNY 2020 challenge grant program" ("NY-SUNY 2020") shall
mean a long-term economic and academic plan, which shall include a
financial aid program, submitted by each state university of New York
university center, subject to the approval by the governor and the
chancellor of the state university of New York.

* NB Repealed July 1, 2027

9. "SUNY Challenge Grant Program" shall mean a long-term economic and
academic plan submitted by a college, university or community college as
defined by this section, excluding university centers as defined by this
section, subject to the approval by the Governor and the Chancellor of
the State University of New York.

10. "Dormitory facilities revenue fund" means the fund established
pursuant to section sixteen hundred eighty-q of the public authorities

11. "Dormitory facilities revenues" means all moneys, including rents,
fees and charges, derived from the use or occupancy of dormitory

12. "Dormitory facility" means a dormitory, as such term is defined in
paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section sixteen hundred seventy-six
of the public authorities law.

13. "Dormitory facility revenue bond" means any note or bond of the
dormitory authority (i) issued on or after the first day of April, two
thousand thirteen for the purposes of financing dormitory facilities or
refinancing notes or bonds previously issued in connection with
dormitory facilities, including notes or bonds issued to pay costs
incurred in connection with the issuance of such notes or bonds, to fund
any reserve for the payment of debt service on such bonds or notes, to
fund any reserve established for the improvement, repair, maintenance or
operations of dormitory facilities, or to pay or provide for the payment
of any note or bond previously issued for any such purpose, and (ii) is
payable from moneys on deposit in the dormitory facilities revenue fund
and is not payable from any revenue of the state.