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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Moneys apportioned to school districts for lottery grants pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision four of section ni...
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 73, PART 1
§ 3609-f. Moneys apportioned to school districts for lottery grants
pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision four of
section ninety-two-c of the state finance law, when and how payable
commencing July first, two thousand seven. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of this article,
apportionments payable pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of
subdivision four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law shall
be paid pursuant to this section. The definitions of "base year" and
"current year" as set forth in subdivision one of section thirty-six
hundred two of this article shall apply to this section.

1. Prescribed payments. The moneys apportioned by the commissioner to
school districts pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of
subdivision four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law during
the school year shall be paid as follows:

(a) September payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by ten
percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as the
payment computed pursuant to subparagraph two of paragraph a of
subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of this article.

(b) October payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by
fifteen percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as
the payment computed pursuant to clause (i) of subparagraph four of
paragraph a of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of
this article.

(c) November payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by
fifteen percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as
the payment computed pursuant to clause (ii) of subparagraph four of
paragraph a of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of
this article.

(d) December payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by
fifteen percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as
the payment computed pursuant to clause (iii) of subparagraph four of
paragraph a of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of
this article.

(e) January payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by
fifteen percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as
the payment computed pursuant to clause (i) of subparagraph two of
paragraph b of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of
this article.

(f) February payment. The product of the moneys apportioned to such
district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b of subdivision
four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law multiplied by
fifteen percent, and such amount shall be payable on the same date as
the payment computed pursuant to clause (ii) of subparagraph two of
paragraph b of subdivision one of section thirty-six hundred nine-a of
this article.

(g) March payment. The positive difference, if any, of the moneys
apportioned to such district pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph
b of subdivision four of section ninety-two-c of the state finance law
less the sum of the payments made pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), (c),
(d), (e) and (f) of this subdivision, and such amount shall be payable
on the same date as the payment computed pursuant to clause (iii) of
subparagraph two of paragraph b of subdivision one of section thirty-six
hundred nine-a of this article.

2. Any payment to a school district pursuant to this section shall be
general receipts of the district and may be used for any lawful purpose
of the district.