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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Report of trusts to commissioner of education
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 75
§ 3703. Report of trusts to commissioner of education. The common
council or other legislative body of every city, the board of
supervisors or other governing elective body of every county, the
trustees of every village, the supervisor of every town, the trustees or
board of education of every school district, and every other officer or
person who shall be required to do so by the commissioner of education
shall report to him whether any, and if any, what trusts are held by
them respectively, or by any other body, officer or person to their
information or belief, for school purposes, and shall transmit,
therewith, an authenticated copy of every will, conveyance, instrument
or paper embodying or creating the trust; and shall, in like manner,
forthwith report to him the creation and terms of every such trust
thereafter created.