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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Acceptance of funds appropriated by federal government
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 75
§ 3713. Acceptance of funds appropriated by federal government. 1.
The state, any school district or its trustees or board of education is
hereby authorized and empowered to accept the provisions of any law of
the United States making appropriations for the purpose of defraying the
cost of providing the public education, the cost of planning and
constructing public school facilities or any other educational purpose.

2. The commissioner of education, hereby designated as the state
educational agency, is authorized and empowered to cooperate with such
agency as the federal government shall designate to carry out the
provisions of such law.

3. The commissioner of taxation and finance and the state comptroller
are appointed as joint custodians of all money given to the state by the
United States under the authority of such law, and such money shall be
paid out in the manner provided by such act for the purposes therein