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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Penalty for failure to render an account or pay over any balance
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 77
§ 3806. Penalty for failure to render an account or pay over any
balance. Every school officer in the city of New York who shall refuse
or neglect to render an account or to pay over any balance in his hands
at the expiration of his term of office shall for each offense forfeit
the sum of fifty dollars, which sum, together with such unpaid balance,
shall be sued for and collected by the board of education of such city,
which board shall prosecute without delay for the recovery of such
forfeiture, together with the unpaid balance; and in case of the death
of such school officer suit may be brought against his representatives,
and all moneys recovered, after deducting expenses, shall be placed at
the disposal of the board of education of such city.