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Powers and duties
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 7, ARTICLE 125
§ 6206. Powers and duties. 1. The board of trustees shall have the
duties and powers of trustees of colleges as set forth in this chapter,
unless otherwise specifically provided in this chapter.

2. On or before February first, nineteen hundred eighty or six months
after their assuming their functions, whichever occurs later, the board
of trustees shall transmit to the governor, to the mayor, to the
temporary president of the senate and to the speaker of the assembly a
status report concerning the functioning, the goals and the needs of the
city university. Included in the status report shall be such
recommendations as the board of trustees sees fit to make in regard to
the following topics.

a. Description of curricula and plans for maintenance of and
adjustments to curricula;

b. Description of the conditions, appropriateness and adequacy of
facilities and plans to remedy deficiencies;

c. Description of policies with respect to student admissions; and

d. Desired and potential student enrollments, including the
justification of the projections.

3. a. The board of trustees shall, once every four years, formulate a
long-range city university plan or general revision thereof and make
recommendations to the board of regents, for the organization,
development and coordination of the city university. The plan and
recommendations shall include but not be limited to the following:

(1) Plans for new curricula,

(2) Plans for new facilities,

(3) Plans for change in policies with respect to student admissions,

(4) Potential student enrollments,

(5) Comments upon its relationship to other colleges and universities,
public and private, within the state, and

(6) For informational purposes only, projection standards and overall
expenditure projections of capital and operating costs.

The plan shall be in such form as to provide a basis for the
development of the regents statewide plan for higher education as
defined in section two hundred thirty-seven of this chapter. Prior to
transmitting their long-range plan or general revisions thereof to the
board of regents, to the temporary president of the senate, and to the
speaker of the assembly, the board of trustees shall, after giving due
notice, conduct one or more hearings on such plan.

b. During the calendar year nineteen hundred eighty and each fourth
year thereafter the board of trustees shall transmit their proposed plan
or general revisions thereof to the board of regents, on or before the
first day of June in each such year. Such plan shall be reviewed by the
board of regents and shall be subject to approval by such board. As
approved by the board of regents and incorporated into the regents plan
or general revision thereof for the development of higher education in
the state and, upon approval thereafter by the governor, such plan shall
guide and determine the development, organization and coordination of
the city university.

c. By the first day of June in nineteen hundred eighty-two and each
fourth year thereafter, the board of trustees shall report in writing to
the board of regents, a copy of which report shall be furnished to the
temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly, the
mayor and the president of the city council for information and comment,
on the progress made in carrying out its responsibilities under such
plan and its general recommendations with respect to the city university
or its component colleges or other institutions in the city of New York
including recommendations as to modifications of such plan which the
board of trustees deems essential to meet the then current demands upon
public higher education in the city of New York. The board of trustees
may also at any other time propose modifications which it deems
essential or desirable with respect to such plan. The board of trustees
may, after giving due notice, conduct one or more hearings on such
modifications and shall transmit its recommendations therefor to the
board of regents, to the temporary president of the senate, the speaker
of the assembly, the mayor and the president of the city council for
information and comment. Such modifications shall be subject to approval
by the regents and thereafter by the governor in the same manner as such
plan or general revisions thereof.

4. When a proposed plan or general revision thereof contains a
proposal providing for the termination or merger of a senior college or
community college so that such college ceases to exist as a separate
educational institution that provision of a proposed plan or general
revision shall also be subject to the approval of the legislature.

5. The board of trustees shall select and acquire or cause to be
acquired all new sites hereafter to be designated for the purposes of
the city university and procure and pass upon all plans for buildings on
newly acquired sites, shall supervise their erection, shall organize
their faculties, shall approve and administer their courses leading to
academic, professional and technical certificates, diplomas and degrees,
shall appoint their officers of administration and instruction, shall
prepare all their budgets and shall generally control and administer all
public education in the colleges and institutions of which the city
university is composed in such city, except the teacher training courses
which are now conducted by the board of education of such city. The
board of trustees shall appoint the chancellor of the city university
who shall be the chief educational and administrative officer of the
city university and who shall serve at the pleasure of the board of

6. The board of trustees shall control and keep up the buildings and
grounds occupied and used by institutions and units controlled by it;
allow and regulate the use, gratuitously or otherwise, of such property
for other than college or university purposes and prescribe the fees, if
any, that persons, associations or corporations allowed to use it may
charge; purchase materials, services, equipment and supplies. But the
board of trustees shall not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of land
and buildings purchased by city funds used for the community colleges of
the city university. It may, however, accept and administer for college
or university purposes, gifts of land, bequests, trusts, devises, money
and buildings from private sources and erect buildings on college or
university land out of money not furnished by the city or the state; and
gifts of money, endowments, fees, interest and other income not derived
from public taxation or the public credit shall be administered by it
for collegiate or university purposes in connection with the units under
its control.

7. * (a) The board of trustees shall establish positions, departments,
divisions and faculties; appoint and in accordance with the provisions
of law fix salaries of instructional and non-instructional employees
therein; establish and conduct courses and curricula; prescribe
conditions of student admission, attendance and discharge; and shall
have the power to determine in its discretion whether tuition shall be
charged and to regulate tuition charges, and other instructional and
non-instructional fees and other fees and charges at the educational
units of the city university. The trustees shall review any proposed
community college tuition increase and the justification for such
increase. The justification provided by the community college for such
increase shall include a detailed analysis of ongoing operating costs,
capital, debt service expenditures, and all revenues. The trustees shall
not impose a differential tuition charge based upon need or income. All
students enrolled in programs leading to like degrees at the senior
colleges shall be charged a uniform rate of tuition, except for
differential tuition rates based on state residency. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this paragraph, the trustees may authorize the
setting of a separate category of tuition rate, that shall be greater
than the tuition rate for resident students and less than the tuition
rate for non-resident students, only for students enrolled in distance
learning courses who are not residents of the state; provided, however,

(i) Commencing with the two thousand eleven--two thousand twelve
academic year and ending in the two thousand fifteen--two thousand
sixteen academic year, the city university of New York board of trustees
shall be empowered to increase the resident undergraduate rate of
tuition by not more than three hundred dollars over the resident
undergraduate rate of tuition adopted by the board of trustees in the
prior academic year, provided however that commencing with the two
thousand eleven--two thousand twelve academic year and ending with the
two thousand sixteen--two thousand seventeen academic year if the annual
resident undergraduate rate of tuition would exceed five thousand
dollars, then a tuition credit for each eligible student, as determined
and calculated by the New York state higher education services
corporation pursuant to section six hundred eighty-nine-a of this
chapter, shall be applied toward the tuition charged for each semester,
quarter or term of study. Tuition for each semester, quarter or term of
study shall not be due for any student eligible to receive such tuition
credit until the tuition credit is calculated and applied against the
tuition charged for the corresponding semester, quarter or term.

(ii) Commencing with the two thousand seventeen--two thousand eighteen
academic year and ending in the two thousand twenty--two thousand
twenty-one academic year the city university of New York board of
trustees shall be empowered to increase the resident undergraduate rate
of tuition by not more than two hundred dollars over the resident
undergraduate rate of tuition adopted by the board of trustees in the
prior academic year, provided however that if the annual resident
undergraduate rate of tuition would exceed five thousand dollars, then a
tuition credit for each eligible student, as determined and calculated
by the New York state higher education services corporation pursuant to
section six hundred eighty-nine-a of this title, shall be applied toward
the tuition charged for each semester, quarter or term of study. Tuition
for each semester, quarter or term of study shall not be due for any
student eligible to receive such tuition credit until the tuition credit
is calculated and applied against the tuition charged for the
corresponding semester, quarter or term. Provided, further that the
revenue resulting from an increase in the rate of tuition shall be
allocated to each campus pursuant to a plan approved by the board of
trustees to support investments in new classroom faculty, instruction,
initiatives to improve student success and on-time completion and a
tuition credit for each eligible student.

(iii) On or before November thirtieth, two thousand seventeen, the
trustees shall approve and submit to the chairs of the assembly ways and
means committee and the senate finance committee and to the director of
the budget a master tuition plan setting forth the tuition rates that
the trustees propose for resident undergraduate students for the four
year period commencing with the two thousand seventeen--two thousand
eighteen academic year and ending in the two thousand twenty--two
thousand twenty-one academic year, and shall submit any proposed
amendments to such plan by November thirtieth of each subsequent year
thereafter through November thirtieth, two thousand twenty.

(iv) Beginning in state fiscal year two thousand twelve--two thousand
thirteen and ending in state fiscal year two thousand fifteen--two
thousand sixteen, the state shall appropriate and make available state
support for operating expenses, including fringe benefits, for the city
university in an amount not less than the amount appropriated and made
available in the prior state fiscal year; provided, however, that if the
governor declares a fiscal emergency, and communicates such emergency to
the temporary president of the senate and speaker of the assembly, state
support for operating expenses of the state university and city
university may be reduced in a manner proportionate to one another, and
the aforementioned provisions shall not apply.

(v) Beginning in state fiscal year two thousand seventeen--two
thousand eighteen and ending in state fiscal year two thousand
twenty--two thousand twenty-one, the state shall appropriate and make
available general fund operating support, including fringe benefits, for
the city university in an amount not less than the amount appropriated
and made available in the prior state fiscal year; provided, however,
that if the governor declares a fiscal emergency, and communicates such
emergency to the temporary president of the senate and speaker of the
assembly, state support for operating expenses at the state university
and city university may be reduced in a manner proportionate to one
another, and the aforementioned provisions shall not apply; provided
further, the state shall appropriate and make available general fund
support to fully fund the tuition credit pursuant to subdivision two of
section six hundred sixty-nine-h of this chapter.

(vi) Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation or practice to the
contrary, commencing with the two thousand twenty-three--two thousand
twenty-four academic year and ending in the two thousand
twenty-five--two thousand twenty-six academic year, following the review
and approval of the chancellor of the city university or his or her
designee, the city university of New York board of trustees shall be
empowered to annually impose differential tuition rates on non-resident
undergraduate and graduate rates of tuition for senior colleges,
provided that such rates are competitive with the rates of tuition
charged by peer institutions and that the board of trustees annually
provide the reason and methodology behind any rate increase to the
governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the
assembly prior to the approval of such increases.

* NB Effective until July 1, 2027

* (a) (i) The board of trustees shall establish positions,
departments, divisions and faculties; appoint and in accordance with the
provisions of law fix salaries of instructional and non-instructional
employees therein; establish and conduct courses and curricula;
prescribe conditions of student admission, attendance and discharge; and
shall have the power to determine in its discretion whether tuition
shall be charged and to regulate tuition charges, and other
instructional and non-instructional fees and other fees and charges at
the educational units of the city university. The trustees shall review
any proposed community college tuition increase and the justification
for such increase. The justification provided by the community college
for such increase shall include a detailed analysis of ongoing operating
costs, capital, debt service expenditures, and all revenues. The
trustees shall not impose a differential tuition charge based upon need
or income. All students enrolled in programs leading to like degrees at
the senior colleges shall be charged a uniform rate of tuition, except
for differential tuition rates based on state residency. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this paragraph, the trustees may authorize the
setting of a separate category of tuition rate, that shall be greater
than the tuition rate for resident students and less than the tuition
rate for non-resident students, only for students enrolled in distance
learning courses who are not residents of the state. The trustees shall
further provide that the payment of tuition and fees by any student who
is not a resident of New York state, other than a non-immigrant
noncitizen within the meaning of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of
section 1101 of title 8 of the United States Code, shall be paid at a
rate or charge no greater than that imposed for students who are
residents of the state if such student:

(1) attended an approved New York high school for two or more years,
graduated from an approved New York high school and applied for
attendance at an institution or educational unit of the city university
within five years of receiving a New York state high school diploma; or

(2) attended an approved New York state program for general
equivalency diploma exam preparation, received a general equivalency
diploma issued within New York state and applied for attendance at an
institution or educational unit of the city university within five years
of receiving a general equivalency diploma issued within New York state;

(3) was enrolled in an institution or educational unit of the city
university in the fall semester or quarter of the two thousand one--two
thousand two academic year and was authorized by such institution or
educational unit to pay tuition at the rate or charge imposed for
students who are residents of the state.

A student without lawful immigration status shall also be required to
file an affidavit with such institution or educational unit stating that
the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration
status, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is
eligible to do so. The trustees shall not adopt changes in tuition
charges prior to the enactment of the annual budget. The board of
trustees may accept as partial reimbursement for the education of
veterans of the armed forces of the United States who are otherwise
qualified such sums as may be authorized by federal legislation to be
paid for such education. The board of trustees may conduct on a fee
basis extension courses and courses for adult education appropriate to
the field of higher education. In all courses and courses of study it
may, in its discretion, require students to pay library, laboratory,
locker, breakage and other instructional and non-instructional fees and
meet the cost of books and consumable supplies. In addition to the
foregoing fees and charges, the board of trustees may impose and collect
fees and charges for student government and other student activities and
receive and expend them as agent or trustee.

(ii) Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation or practice to the
contrary, commencing with the two thousand twenty-three--two thousand
twenty-four academic year and ending in the two thousand
twenty-five--two thousand twenty-six academic year, following the review
and approval of the chancellor of the city university or his or her
designee, the city university of New York board of trustees shall be
empowered to annually impose differential tuition rates on non-resident
undergraduate and graduate rates of tuition for senior colleges,
provided that such rates are competitive with the rates of tuition
charged by peer institutions and that the board of trustees annually
provide the reason and methodology behind any rate increase to the
governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the
assembly prior to the approval of such increases.

* NB Effective July 1, 2027

* (a-1) The trustees shall further provide that the payment of tuition
and fees by any student who is not a resident of New York state, other
than a non-immigrant noncitizen within the meaning of paragraph (15) of
subsection (a) of section 1101 of title 8 of the United States Code,
shall be paid at a rate or charge no greater than that imposed for
students who are residents of the state if such student:

(i) attended an approved New York high school for two or more years,
graduated from an approved New York high school and applied for
attendance at an institution or educational unit of the city university
within five years of receiving a New York state high school diploma; or

(ii) attended an approved New York state program for general
equivalency diploma exam preparation, received a general equivalency
diploma issued within New York state and applied for attendance at an
institution or educational unit of the city university within five years
of receiving a general equivalency diploma issued within New York state;

(iii) was enrolled in an institution or educational unit of the city
university in the fall semester or quarter of the two thousand one--two
thousand two academic year and was authorized by such institution or
educational unit to pay tuition at the rate or charge imposed for
students who are residents of the state.

A student without lawful immigration status shall also be required to
file an affidavit with such institution or educational unit stating that
the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration
status, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is
eligible to do so. Except as otherwise authorized in paragraph (a) of
this subdivision, the trustees shall not adopt changes in tuition
charges prior to the enactment of the annual budget. The board of
trustees may accept as partial reimbursement for the education of
veterans of the armed forces of the United States who are otherwise
qualified such sums as may be authorized by federal legislation to be
paid for such education. The board of trustees may conduct on a fee
basis extension courses and courses for adult education appropriate to
the field of higher education. In all courses and courses of study it
may, in its discretion, require students to pay library, laboratory,
locker, breakage and other instructional and non-instructional fees and
meet the cost of books and consumable supplies. In addition to the
foregoing fees and charges, the board of trustees may impose and collect
fees and charges for student government and other student activities and
receive and expend them as agent or trustee.

* NB Repealed July 1, 2027

(a-2) The trustees shall further provide that the payment of tuition
and fees by any student who is not a resident of New York state shall be
paid at a rate or charge no greater than that imposed for students who
are residents of the state if such student is enrolled in any college or
educational unit of the city university of New York and is attending
such college or educational unit in accordance with the federal GI bills
and in compliance with all applicable eligibility requirements thereof.

(a-3) The trustees shall further provide that the payment of tuition
and fees by any student who is not a resident of New York state shall be
paid at a rate or charge no greater than that imposed for students who
are residents of the state if such student is enrolled in any college or
educational unit of the city university of New York and is the spouse or
the dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United States on
full-time active duty and not stationed in this state immediately
following being stationed therein.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general, special or
local law, rule or regulation, the board of trustees may permit persons
sixty years of age or over to audit courses given therein without
tuition, examination, grading or credit therefor upon a space available
basis, as determined by the president of each such institution, provided
that such audit attendance does not deny course attendance at the city
university of New York by an individual who is otherwise qualified under
this section.

* (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general, special or
local law, rule or regulation, the board of trustees shall promulgate
regulations to permit members of the New York city police department
employed in the rank of police officer, who are enrolled in programs
leading to baccalaureate or higher degrees at a senior college of the
city university to attend one course without tuition, provided that such
course is related to their employment as police officers and that such
tuition-waived attendance does not deny course attendance at a senior
college of the city university by an individual who is otherwise
qualified under this section.

* NB Repealed July 1, 2026

* (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general, special or
local law, rule or regulation, the board of trustees shall promulgate
regulations to permit firefighters and fire officers employed by the New
York city fire department, who are enrolled in programs leading to
baccalaureate or higher degrees at a senior college of the city
university to attend one course without tuition, provided that such
course is related to their employment as firefighters and fire officers
and that such tuition-waived attendance does not deny course attendance
at a senior college of the city university by an individual who is
otherwise qualified under this section.

* NB Repealed July 1, 2026

* (e) The trustees shall further provide that any student who is not a
legal resident of New York state but is a United States citizen, a
permanent lawful resident, an individual who is granted U or T
non-immigrant status pursuant to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence
Protection Act of 2000, a person granted temporary protected status
pursuant to the Federal Immigration Act of 1990, an individual of a
class of refugees paroled by the attorney general of the United States
under his or her parole authority pertaining to the admission of
noncitizens to the United States, or an applicant without lawful
immigration status may have the payment of tuition and other fees and
charges reduced by state-aided programs, scholarships or other financial
assistance awarded under the provisions of articles thirteen,
thirteen-A, fourteen and fourteen-A of this chapter, provided that the
student meets the requirements set forth in subparagraph (ii) of
paragraph a or subparagraph (ii) of paragraph b of subdivision five of
section six hundred sixty-one of this chapter, as applicable.

* NB There are 2 par (e)'s

* (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general, special or
local law, rule or regulation, the board of trustees shall be authorized
to set a reduced rate of tuition and/or fees, or to waive tuition and/or
fees entirely, for students participating in any dual or concurrent
enrollment program with no reduction in other state, local, or other
support for such students earning college credit that such higher
education partner would otherwise be eligible to receive; provided that,
for purposes of this provision, a dual or concurrent enrollment program
shall mean one or more college courses taken by a high school student
through a community college or a senior college of the city university
while such student is still enrolled in high school and for which the
student may receive both high school and college credit.

* NB There are 2 par (e)'s

(f) In state fiscal year two thousand twenty-two--two thousand
twenty-three and thereafter, the state shall appropriate and make
available general fund operating support in the amount of the tuition
credit calculated pursuant to section six hundred eighty-nine-a of this
chapter annually.

8. The board of trustees shall, on the recommendation of its faculty
or faculties, grant the certificates, diplomas and degrees which were
announced in the bulletins of the existing public institutions of higher
learning published for the term beginning immediately prior to April
sixteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-six, and also such other degrees and
honors as the regents thereafter specifically authorized or may
hereafter authorize it to grant.

9. When a center is first opened, the board of trustees shall submit
an initial estimate of the sum needed for its support, maintenance and
operation, based on an estimated original enrollment of students, for
the fiscal year or portion thereof immediately following. Such estimate
shall be acted upon as hereinbefore prescribed for current annual
budgets; and in the event that an initial appropriation be for a part of
the fiscal year only, then in making calculation for the succeeding
annual appropriation, the initial appropriation shall be taken as the
appropriate fractional base.

10. Money appropriated by the city to the board of trustees for
college or university purposes, shall be placed in the custody of the
comptroller of the city to the credit of such board of trustees and all
disbursements from such funds shall be made by the comptroller acting
for and in behalf of such board of trustees upon requisitions duly
audited and signed by the board of trustees or by a person or persons
appointed by such board of trustees, by resolution filed with the
comptroller, to act for it. The comptroller shall audit such account of
the board of trustees in the same manner as he audits the account of the
board of education of the city of New York. Any balance of any annual
appropriation made by the city to the board of trustees, which may be
unallocated for college or university purposes by the board of trustees
ninety days after the expiration of the calendar year for which the
appropriation was made, shall revert to the city treasury and be
credited to such uses as the city may direct.

11. The board of trustees may, in its discretion, compensate members
of the instructional staff and non-instructional staff for loss of
personal property. With respect to members of the instructional staff
and other employees who are not covered by the workers' compensation
law, the board of trustees may provide in its discretion for payment of
reasonable medical and hospital expenses arising from injuries incurred
in actual performance of duty on or after July first, nineteen hundred

12. The board of trustees, under such by-laws as it deems appropriate,
shall provide for the eligibility for sabbatical leaves of absence to
members of its permanent instructional staff provided, however, that
when such leaves are for one half year, they shall be at full pay, and
when such leaves are for one year, they shall be at half pay.

13. The board of trustees shall provide standards for the granting of
advanced standing to veterans applying for college admissions at schools
in the city university who have successfully completed United States
Armed Forces Institute or other comparable course work.

14. Notwithstanding the provisions of section forty-four, fifty or
fifty-one of the state finance law or any other provision of law to the
contrary, the city university trustees are authorized and empowered to
increase or decrease appropriations by transfer or interchange as

a. Amounts appropriated for the programs or purposes or for any item
or items within such programs or purposes of any individual senior
college of the city university and city university central
administration within the schedules of such senior colleges or central
administration from a particular fund or funds in a fiscal year may be
interchanged between such programs or purposes of such senior college or
central administration of city university, or between items within the
same program or purpose, or with other items appropriated from such fund
not in the same program or purpose, but which are contained in the state
comptroller's classification of items as last promulgated pursuant to a
certificate of allocation. Such certificate shall be submitted by such
senior college or central administration to the board of trustees of the
city university. Such certificate shall be submitted by the board of
trustees to the state comptroller with copies to be sent to the chairs
of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means
committee and the director of the budget for informational purposes
only. The total amount appropriated for any program or purpose may be
decreased by not more than the aggregate of five percent of such
appropriation for a program or purpose with the approval of the senior
college or central administration or such amounts may be decreased by
more than the aggregate of five percent of such appropriation with the
approval of the city university trustees.

b. Amounts appropriated to senior colleges of the city university from
a particular fund or funds in a fiscal year for the programs or purposes
of such senior colleges of the city university may be transferred
between and among such senior colleges pursuant to a certificate of
allocation, submitted directly by the city university to the state
comptroller, with copies of such certificates to be sent to the chairmen
of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means
committee and the director of the budget for informational purposes
only. The total amount appropriated for any senior college may not be
decreased by more than the aggregate of three percent of an
appropriation for a senior college.

c. Amounts appropriated for programs or purposes, or for any item
within such programs or purposes, within the university-wide program
schedule of city university from a particular fund or funds in a fiscal
year shall not be decreased by means of transfer or interchange by more
than the aggregate of four percent of an appropriation for a program or
purpose within such schedule.

d. Amounts appropriated for the central administration of the city
university within the central administration schedule from a particular
fund or funds in a fiscal year for programs or purposes including, but
not limited to, administration of senior colleges and university-wide
programs of the city university shall not be increased by means of
transfer or interchange by more than five percent of the aggregate
appropriation within such schedule.

e. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subdivision,
whenever the director of the budget, pursuant to section forty-nine of
the state finance law, shall establish an aggregate amount less than
that contained in the local assistance appropriations act, the trustees
may transfer or interchange any or all of such lesser amount among any
of the programs or purposes or items without regard to the restrictions
provided in this subdivision.

f. The allocation of lump sum appropriations from a fund or funds made
to the city university for later distribution to senior colleges and/or
the central administration of the city university or the allocation of
lump sum appropriations made to all state departments and agencies for
later allocation for specific programs or purposes or senior colleges
and/or central administration of the city university shall not be deemed
to be part of any total increase or decrease authorized by this section.

15. a. The board of trustees shall adopt rules requiring that each
institution of the city university, on or before January first, two
thousand, adopt and implement a plan providing for the investigation of
any violent felony offense occurring at or on the grounds of each such
institution, and providing for the investigation of a report of any
missing student. Such plans shall provide for the coordination of the
investigation of such crimes and reports with local law enforcement
agencies. Such plans shall include, but not be limited to, written
agreements with appropriate local law enforcement agencies providing for
the prompt investigation of such crimes and reports and requirement that
the institution shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency as
soon as practicable but in no case more than twenty-four hours after a
report of a violent felony or that a student who resides in housing
owned or operated by such institution is missing; provided that each
institution shall: (1) inform each victim of a sexual offense of their
options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including
on-campus and local police; (2) inform the victim of a sexual offense of
the right to report or not to report such offense to local law
enforcement agencies; and (3) offer the option to be assisted by campus
authorities in notifying such authorities, if the victim of sexual
assault so chooses, all in compliance with applicable federal law,
including, but not limited to, the federal Campus Sexual Assault
Victims' Bill of Rights under Title 20 U.S. Code Section 1092(f).

b. As used in this subdivision, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

(i) "Local law enforcement agencies" means any agency or agencies
employing peace officers or police officers for the enforcement of the
laws of the state, and which has or have jurisdiction under provisions
of the criminal procedure law over offenses occurring at or on the
grounds of any institution subject to the provisions of this

(ii) "Missing student" means any student of an institution subject to
the provisions of this subdivision, who resides in a facility owned or
operated by such institution and who is reported to such institution as
missing from his or her residence.

(iii) "Violent felony offense" means a violent felony offense as
defined in subdivision one of section 70.02 of the penal law.

16. The board of trustees shall appoint for the city university campus
officers who shall have the powers of peace officers as set forth in the
criminal procedure law within the geographical area of the city of New
York. A campus officer designated as a peace officer must have
satisfactorily completed or complete, within one year of the date of
such designation, a course of law enforcement training prescribed by the
municipal police training council in consultation with the city
university board of trustees.

18. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the
city university of New York board of trustees shall pass a resolution by
June first, two thousand fifteen, to develop a plan to make available to
students enrolled in an academic program of the city university of New
York beginning in the two thousand sixteen--two thousand seventeen
academic year, approved experiential or applied learning activities.
Such experiential or applied learning activities may include completion
of activities related to students' program of study, including, but not
limited to, service-learning activities completed as part of a course,
paid or unpaid internships, faculty-supervised undergraduate projects
and activities leading to publication of research in journals or similar
publications, production or performance of creative works, and iterative
"co-op" partnerships that explicitly link the curricula to a temporary,
paid position in industry or the public sector. Such plan, to be
completed by June first, two thousand sixteen, shall be developed in
consultation with university faculty senate, the university student
senate and other stakeholders. Such plan shall define approved
experiential or applied learning activities, methods of faculty
oversight and assessment, responsibilities of business, corporate,
non-profit or other entities hosting students, and include a requirement
for collecting and reporting data associated with such experiential or
applied learning activities. Such plan shall have each college examine
the feasibility of including such experiential or applied learning
activities as a degree requirement. Such college shall examine its
ability to administer and provide such opportunities to students; the
local community's capacity to support such experiential or applied
learning activities; the impact such requirement would have on the local
workforce, if any; potential for such a requirement to enhance learning
outcomes for students; and whether adding such a requirement would cause
potential delays in graduation for students.

19. The city university trustees shall annually report on how the
revenue generated has been invested in faculty, instruction, initiatives
to improve student success and on-time completion and student financial
assistance for the duration of the four year tuition plan. The trustees
shall submit the report by September first of each subsequent year.

20. The board of trustees shall adopt rules requiring that each
institution of the city university of New York adopt written policies
requiring that all public single-occupancy bathroom facilities be
designated as gender neutral for use by no more than one occupant at a
time or for family or assisted use. Such gender neutral bathroom
facilities shall be clearly designated by the posting of such on or near
the entry door of each facility. For purposes of this section,
"single-occupancy bathroom" shall have the same meaning as paragraph (d)
of subdivision one of section one hundred forty-five of the public
buildings law.

21. The board of trustees shall adopt a policy requiring that each
institution of the city university of New York collaborate with
students, faculty and staff to encourage campuses to eliminate the use
of certain plastic items generally recognized by the public as being
designed for single use. Such plastic items may include, but shall not
be limited to, tableware, straws, stirrers, cups and food service
containers. In establishing such a policy, the trustees shall consider
the following:

a. the availability of affordable alternatives;

b. the accessibility of alternatives to all students, faculty, and

c. an evaluation of the effectiveness of reusable alternatives; and

d. benchmarks for assessing progress.

22. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the
board of trustees shall establish a policy authorizing senior colleges
and community colleges within the city university of New York to grant
posthumous degrees to enrolled matriculated students whose death occurs
prior to graduation. Such policy shall provide that, upon terms set in
the policy, any remaining credit requirements shall be waived for any
student who dies and who otherwise would have been eligible for
graduation had they been able to complete their academic career.