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Establishment of collegiate centers
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 7, ARTICLE 125
§ 6213. Establishment of collegiate centers. 1. The board of trustees
shall have the same powers to acquire sites, buildings, apparatus, and
equipment for its community colleges' as the board of education has for
school purposes, and it shall follow the procedure prescribed by law for
the board of education in the acquisition of such sites, buildings,
apparatus and equipment. When, in its discretion, the city university of
New York resolves to establish new centers of instruction for community
colleges, it shall follow the procedure of the board of education in
establishing new schools.

2. The city university of New York shall have the power to acquire
real property, as defined by the eminent domain procedure law, in the
name of the people of the state of New York by purchase, lease or
appropriation for senior college purposes in accordance with the
provisions of section three hundred seven of this chapter, except that
the powers and duties in said section mentioned to be performed by the
commissioner of education, shall be performed by the board of trustees.

3. On the request of the city university construction fund, either the
commissioner of general services of the state of New York, with respect
to any property held by the city university in the name of the people of
the state of New York, or the city university, with respect to any
property held by it in its own name, may sell, convey, lease or exchange
or otherwise make available to the dormitory authority, for nominal
consideration, any such property for the purposes of dormitory authority