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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 14, PART 1
§ 651. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
have the following meanings unless otherwise specified:

1. "Corporation" shall mean the New York state higher education
services corporation.

2. "Board" shall mean the board of trustees of the New York state
higher education services corporation.

3. "President" shall mean the president of the corporation.

4. "College", "vocational institution" and "approved program" shall
have the same meanings as defined in article thirteen.

5. "Academic year" shall mean the regular school year beginning July
first and ending June thirtieth.

6. "Federal student aid programs" shall mean the programs of the
United States government making financial aid available to pay for the
cost of attending post-secondary institutions and established under
Title IV of the Higher Education Act of nineteen hundred sixty-five, as
amended, or any successor statute.

7. "Lend" shall include one or more of the following services: the
origination, disbursement, servicing, and/or collection of any student
or parent education loan made by or on behalf of a lending institution a
government entity, or an institution of higher education for the purpose
of paying for higher education expenses as well as serving as a
secondary market for these loans.