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Requirements for a professional license
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 144
§ 7124. Requirements for a professional license. a. To qualify for a
license as an ophthalmic dispenser, an applicant shall fulfill the
following requirements;

(1) Application: file an application with the department;

(2) Education: have received an education, including high school
graduation and completion, in accordance with the commissioner's
regulations, of either (i) a two-year program in ophthalmic dispensing,
or, (ii) two years of training and experience in ophthalmic dispensing
under the supervision of a licensed ophthalmic dispenser, optometrist or

(3) Experience: have experience satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

(4) Examination: pass an examination satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

(5) Age: be at least eighteen years of age;

(6) Citizenship: meet no requirement as to United States citizenship;

(7) Character: be of good moral character as determined by the
department; and

(8) Fees: pay a fee of one hundred fifteen dollars to the department
for admission to a department conducted examination and for an initial
license, a fee of forty-five dollars for each reexamination, a fee of
fifty dollars for an initial license for persons not requiring admission
to a department conducted examination, and a fee of fifty dollars for
each triennial registration period.

b. A person licensed after July first, nineteen hundred seventy-three
shall be permitted to fit contact lenses only if the licensee, in
addition to the requirements of subdivision a of this section, shall (1)
pass a separate examination satisfactory to the board and in accordance
with the commissioner's regulations; and (2) have the requisite
experience in the fitting of contact lenses satisfactory to the board
and in accordance with the commissioner's regulations.