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Requirements for a license as a professional geologist
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 145
§ 7206-b. Requirements for a license as a professional geologist. 1.
To qualify for a license as a professional geologist, an applicant shall
fulfill the following requirements:

(a) Application: file an application with the department;

(b) Education: have received an education, including a bachelor's or
higher degree in geological sciences, in accordance with the
commissioner's regulations;

(c) Experience: have at least five years practical experience
satisfactory to the board in appropriate geological work; up to one year
of experience may be credited for an advanced degree (masters, doctorate
or an equivalent thereof) in accordance with the commissioner's

(d) Examination: pass an examination satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

(e) Age: be at least twenty-one years of age;

(f) Character: be of good moral character as determined by the
department; and

(g) Fees: pay a fee of two hundred twenty dollars to the department
for an initial license, and a fee of two hundred ten dollars for each
triennial registration period.

2. In lieu of the degree and experience requirements specified in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of subdivision one of this section, twelve years
of practical experience in geological work of a grade and character
satisfactory to the board may be accepted by the department.

3. For an identification card as an "intern geologist", an applicant
shall fulfill the requirements of subdivision one of this section,
except those in paragraphs (c) and (e) of such subdivision, provided
that admission to the examination may be given when the applicant is
within twenty credits of the completion of the requirements of the
bachelor's degree or higher as prescribed in paragraph (b) of
subdivision one of this section, or has completed the practical
experience requirement of subdivision two of this section. The fee for
the examination and identification card as an "intern geologist" shall
be seventy dollars and the fee for each reexamination shall be seventy

4. An applicant who applies for licensure within one year after the
effective date of this section shall be qualified for a license as a
professional geologist without a written examination if the applicant
has satisfied the requirements of education and experience described in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of subdivision one or subdivision two of this
section no later than one year after the effective date of this section.