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Exemptions and exempt persons
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 168
§ 8856. Exemptions and exempt persons. This article shall not

1. The performance of any tasks or responsibilities by any student
engaged in clinical training in a general hospital licensed pursuant to
article twenty-eight of the public health law, provided such practice is
limited to clinical training that shall be carried out under the direct
supervision of a licensed physician who practices anatomic pathology; or

2. The performance of any tasks or responsibilities by any person
licensed under this title, provided such tasks or responsibilities are
permitted by the article governing the profession pursuant to which such
person is licensed; or

3. The performance of any tasks or responsibilities by any legally
qualified pathologists' assistants of any other state or territory who
is serving in the armed forces or the public health service of the
United States or who is employed by the veterans administration, while
engaged in the performance of his or her duties; or

4. The performance of any tasks and responsibilities by any individual
legally carrying out the examinations and tests enumerated in
subdivision two of section five hundred seventy-nine of the public
health law.