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This entry was published on 2021-07-30
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SECTION 10-114
Military ballots; deadline for receipt, and delivery to polling place
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 10
§ 10-114. Military ballots; deadline for receipt, and delivery to
polling place. 1. The board of elections shall cause all military
ballots received by it before the close of the polls on election day and
all ballots contained in envelopes showing a cancellation mark of the
United States postal service or a foreign country's postal service, or
showing a dated endorsement of receipt by another agency of the United
States government or are signed and dated by the voter and one witness
thereto, with a date which is ascertained to be not later than the day
of the election and received by such board of elections not later than
seven days following the day of a primary election and not later than
thirteen days following the day of a general or special election to be
cast and counted.

2. The board of elections shall thereafter process such ballots in the
manner provided in this chapter for processing absentee ballots.