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This entry was published on 2021-04-16
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Online voter registration application
§ 5-802. Online voter registration application. 1. A voter shall be
able to apply to register to vote using a personal online voter
registration application submitted through the electronic voter
registration transmittal system when the voter:

(a) completes an electronic voter registration application promulgated
by the state board of elections which shall include all of the voter
registration information required by section 5-210 of this article; and

(b) affirms, subject to penalty of perjury, by means of electronic or
manual signature, that the information contained in the voter
registration application is true and that the applicant meets all of the
qualifications to become a registered voter; and

(c) consents to the use of an electronic copy of the individual's
manual signature that is in the custody of the department of motor
vehicles, the state board of elections, or other agency designated by
sections 5-211 or 5-212 of this article, as the individual's voter
registration exemplar signature, or provides such a signature by direct
upload in a manner that complies with the New York state electronic
signature and records act and the rules and regulations promulgated by
the state board of elections.

2. The board of elections shall provide the personal online voter
registration application in any language required by the federal Voting
Rights Act of 1965 (52 U.S.C. Sec. 10503) in any county in the state.

3. The online voter registration application process shall provide
reasonable accommodations to improve accessibility for persons with
disabilities, and shall be compatible for use with standard online
accessibility assistance tools for persons with visual, physical or
perceptive disabilities.

4. The state board of elections shall promulgate rules and regulations
for the creation and administration of an online voter registration
system pursuant to this section.