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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Preferential claim; not assignable or subject to attachment; attorney's fees
Employers' Liability (EML) CHAPTER 74, ARTICLE 2
§ 12. Preferential claim; not assignable or subject to attachment;
attorney's fees. Any person entitled to weekly payments under the plan
against any employer shall have the same preferential claim therefor
against the assets of the employer as now allowed by law for a claim by
such person against such employer for unpaid wages or personal services.
Weekly payments due under the plan shall not be assignable or subject to
attachment, levy or execution. No claim of an attorney for any
contingent interest in any recovery under the plan for services in
securing such recovery shall be an enforceable lien thereon, unless the
amount of the same be approved in writing by a justice of the supreme
court, or in case the same is tried in any court, before the justice
presiding at such trial.