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SECTION 11-0701
Definitions of licenses and privileges of licensees
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 7
§ 11-0701. Definitions of licenses and privileges of licensees.

1. A hunting license:

a. entitles a holder who is twelve or thirteen years of age to hunt
wildlife, except big game, as provided in title 9 of this article
subject, specifically, to the provisions of section 11-0929 of this
article. It entitles such holder to possess firearms as provided in
section 265.05 of the penal law. A holder who is twelve or thirteen
years of age shall not hunt with a crossbow.

b. entitles a holder who is fourteen or fifteen years of age to hunt
wildlife, including wild deer and bear, as provided in title 9 of this
article, subject, specifically, to the provisions of section 11-0929 of
this article. It entitles such holder to possess firearms as provided in
section 265.05 of the penal law.

2. a. A hunting license entitles the holder to hunt wildlife subject
to the following:

(1) a holder who is eighteen years of age or older may hunt wildlife
as provided in title 9 of this article,

(2) a holder who is sixteen years of age or older may hunt wildlife,
except big game, as provided in title 9 of this article, and

(3) a holder who is between the ages of sixteen and eighteen may hunt
big game pursuant to the provisions of title 9 of this article while the
holder is accompanied by a parent, guardian or person over the age of
eighteen as required by section 11-0929 of this article.

A holder may take fish with a longbow as provided in titles 9 and 13
of this article.

b. A special antlerless deer license is applicable to the hunting of
wild antlerless deer in a special open season fixed pursuant to
subdivision 6 of section 11-0903 of this article in a tract within a
Wilderness Hunting Area and entitles the holder of a hunting license to
hunt antlerless deer in such special open season, as provided in title 9
of this article if he or she has on his or her person while so hunting
both his or her hunting license and his or her special antlerless deer

3. A bowhunting privilege when included on a hunting license entitles
a holder:

(1) who is between the ages of twelve and sixteen years to hunt wild
deer and bear with a longbow during the special archery season and
during the regular season, as provided in title 9 of this article,
subject to the provisions of section 11-0929 and subdivision 3 of
section 11-0713 of this article;

(2) who is eighteen years of age or older to hunt wild deer and bear
with a longbow, as provided in title 9 of this article, in a special
longbow season; and

(3) who is sixteen or seventeen years of age to exercise the same
privileges subject to the provisions of section 11-0929 and subdivision
3 of section 11-0713 of this article.

4. A fishing license entitles the holder to take fish by angling,
spearing, hooking, longbow and tipups, to take frogs by spearing,
catching with the hands or by use of a club or hook, and to take bait
fish for personal use, as provided in titles 9 and 13 of this article,
except that such license shall not entitle the holder to take migratory
fish of the sea or to take fish from the waters of the marine district.

5. A non-resident bear tag entitles a person who has not been a
resident of the state for more than thirty days who also possesses a
hunting license to hunt bear during the regular open season therefor or
in an open season fixed by regulation pursuant to subdivision eight of
section 11-0903 of this article. It entitles a non-resident holder who
also possesses a hunting license with bowhunting privilege to hunt bear
with a longbow during the open bear season. It entitles a non-resident
holder who also possesses a hunting license with muzzle-loading
privilege to hunt bear with a muzzleloader during the open bear season.

6. A seven-day fishing license entitles the holder to exercise the
privileges of a fishing license for the seven consecutive days specified
in the license.

7. A one-day fishing license entitles the holder to exercise the
privileges of a fishing license on the day specified on the license.

8. A trapping license entitles the holder to trap beaver, otter,
fisher, mink, muskrat, skunk, raccoon, bobcat, coyote, fox, opossum,
weasel, pine marten and unprotected wildlife except birds, as provided
in title 11, subject to the provisions of section 11-0713 of this

9. A muzzle-loading privilege when included on a hunting license
entitles a holder who is fourteen years of age or older to hunt wild
deer and bear with a muzzle-loading firearm or crossbow, as provided in
title 9 of this article, in a special muzzle-loading firearm season.