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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-0703
Issuance, denial, and revocation of permits
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 7
§ 17-0703. Issuance, denial, and revocation of permits.

1. The permit provided in section 17-0701 and title 8 hereof shall be
issued by the commissioner or by his designated representative, pursuant
to regulations of the department adopted in accordance with subdivision
3 of section 17-0303 and title 8 hereof.

2. Public hearings, on due notice, shall be conducted by the
commissioner or by his designated representative in connection with the
issuance of any order or determination denying, revoking, continuing or
modifying a permit as provided by section 17-0701 paragraph f of
subdivision 4 of section 17-0303 and title 8 hereof, unless the
applicant or permittee waives said hearing in writing and no request for
a public hearing has been received from any interested party.