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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1013
State petroleum bulk storage advisory council
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 10
§ 17-1013. State petroleum bulk storage advisory council.

1. There is hereby created within the department the "state petroleum
bulk storage advisory council" hereinafter referred to as the "council".
Such council shall consist of seven members, at least one of whom shall
be a representative of operators other than owners in the state, at
least one of whom shall be a representative of owners in the state, at
least one of whom shall be a representative of municipal corporations,
and at least two of whom shall be representatives of organizations whose
prime function is the protection of natural resources and enhancement of
the environmental quality of the state. The members of the council shall
be appointed by the commissioner within three months of the effective
date of this title. Each member shall be, by professional training or
experience and attainment, qualified to analyze and interpret matters
pertaining to bulk storage of petroleum.

2. One member shall be elected chairman of the advisory council by a
majority vote of the members of such council.

3. The members of the council shall serve without compensation for
their services as members of the council, except that each of them may
be allowed the necessary and actual expenses which he shall incur in the
performance of his duties under this section.

4. The council shall have the power, duty and responsibility to:

a. Serve as a working forum for the exchange of views, concerns,
ideas, information and recommendations relating to the bulk storage of

b. Advise the department on the proposal, preparation and revision of
the rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this

c. Request and receive from the department at each meeting of the
council any portions of the rules and regulations then available for
review, whether in final or draft form, and any supporting documents or
other pertinent data.

d. Before promulgation of the rules and regulations required by this
title, the commissioner shall first submit such rules and regulations to
the council for review. The council shall, within sixty days of such
submission, recommend in writing to the commissioner any suggested
modifications to such rules and regulations.

5. The recording of council proceedings shall be performed by
personnel of the department.