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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1503
Local regulations
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 15
§ 17-1503. Local regulations.

1. Any city or county which has established or establishes a city,
county or part-county department of health may adopt regulations for the
control of such developments. Regulations adopted by a county or city
board of health may include, but not be limited to, establishment of
such requirements as it may deem necessary to guarantee the installation
of such sewage facilities in accordance with the plans heretofore or
hereinafter approved by the county or city department of health or any
approved revision or revisions thereof.

2. Nothing contained in sections 17-1501 to 17-1505, inclusive, and
sections 17-1511 and 17-1513, shall be construed to delegate the general
powers of the department nor to impair nor to deprive the department of
its powers and functions as now provided by law.