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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1709
Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Lake George and Skaneateles lake prohibited
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
§ 17-1709. Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Lake

George and Skaneateles lake prohibited.

1. No person or corporation shall cause or permit the fall, flow or
discharge into Lake George or Skaneateles lake or any of their
tributaries, of any sewage matter, or other foul, noxious or
deleterious, solid or liquid matter or effluent from any sewage disposal
plant, or any matter that may be declared such by the board of health of
any municipality adjacent to such lakes where any such fall, flow or
discharge shall occur.

2. The board of health of any such municipality shall examine into any
alleged offense against this section within its jurisdiction and cause
the same to be abated, by injunction or otherwise, if found to exist.

3. The discharge of sewage or treated sewage effluent into the
drainage basin of Lake George is hereby prohibited except as follows:

(a) Subsurface sewage disposal facilities with a design capacity of
one thousand gallons per day or less are permitted to discharge within
the basin provided said facilities are designed, constructed, operated
and maintained in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and
permits issued pursuant thereto.

(b) Subsurface sewage disposal facilities with a design capacity of
greater than one thousand gallons per day are permitted to discharge
within the basin provided that such facilities:

(i) discharge treated sewage effluent to land or groundwater;

(ii) are designed to meet best technology available;

(iii) are in compliance with a valid state pollutant discharge
elimination system (SPDES) permit;

(iv) are designed to meet existing needs only; and

(v) are designed, operated and maintained in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations.

(c) The commissioner shall prepare a technical manual describing the
best technologies available for sewage disposal facilities within the
Lake George basin, which shall include, but not be limited to,
specifications for the design, construction, maintenance and monitoring
of such facilities and performance standards for nutrient removal. The
commissioner shall complete the manual within eighteen months of the
effective date of this subdivision and shall notice completion of the
manual in the state register and the environmental notice bulletin.