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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-1711
Deposit of garbage or other refuse on or in waters of Lake George and Skaneateles lake and their tributaries prohibited
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 17
§ 17-1711. Deposit of garbage or other refuse on or in waters of Lake

George and Skaneateles lake and their tributaries


No person shall deposit, dump, throw, abandon, discard or place, or
cause to be deposited, dumped, thrown, abandoned, discarded or placed
upon or in the waters of Lake George or Skaneateles lake, or any of
their tributaries, or upon the frozen surfaces thereof, any garbage,
rubbish, refuse, trash, litter, debris, abandoned properties, waste
material or any nauseous or offensive matter.