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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 27-2105
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 27, TITLE 21
§ 27-2105. Disposal.

1. No person shall knowingly or intentionally dispose of a
mercury-added consumer product in solid waste or otherwise dispose of
such a product except by separated delivery thereof to a solid waste
management facility or hazardous waste management facility permitted or
authorized pursuant to title seven or nine of this article.

2. No person or collector shall knowingly or intentionally dispose of
any mercury-added consumer product by delivery to a resource recovery
facility as permitted pursuant to title seven of this article where
waste or hazardous waste is burned as fuel for the purpose of recovering
usable energy.

3. No collector, solid waste management facility, or hazardous waste
management facility shall knowingly or intentionally store, recycle or
dispose of any mercury-added consumer product except in accordance with
regulations promulgated pursuant to this article.

4. The department, in consultation with the department of health,
shall develop and disseminate informational materials on the dangers of
mercury-added consumer products, and the requirements of this section
relating to the separation and disposal of mercury-added consumer