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SECTION 54-1523
Climate adaptation and mitigation projects
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 54, TITLE 15
§ 54-1523. Climate adaptation and mitigation projects.

1. The commissioner is authorized to provide on a competitive basis,
within amounts appropriated, state assistance payments to a municipality
toward the cost of any climate adaptation or mitigation projects. Such
projects shall include:

a. the construction of natural resiliency measures, conservation or
restoration of riparian areas and tidal marsh migration areas;

b. nature-based solutions such as wetland protections, including
mapping and restoration of freshwater wetlands, to address physical
climate risk due to sea level rise, and/or storm surges and/or flooding,
based on available data predicting the likelihood of future extreme
weather events, including hazard risk analysis data if applicable;

c. relocation or retrofit of facilities to address physical climate
risk due to sea level rise, and/or storm surges and/or flooding based on
available data predicting the likelihood of future extreme weather
events, including hazard risk analysis data if applicable;

d. flood risk reduction;

e. greenhouse gas emission reductions outside the power sector;

f. enabling communities to become certified under the climate smart
communities program, including by developing natural resources
inventories, right sizing of municipal fleets and developing climate
adaptation strategies;

g. climate change adaptation planning and supporting studies,
including but not limited to vulnerability assessment and risk analysis
of municipal drinking water, wastewater, and transportation

h. to establish and implement easily-replicated renewable energy
projects, including solar arrays, heat pumps and wind turbines in public
low-income housing in suburban, urban and rural areas; and

i. land acquisition, including but not limited to flood mitigation and
coastal riparian resiliency; provided, however, no monies shall be
expended for acquisition by eminent domain.

2. To the fullest extent practicable, it is the policy of the state to
promote an equitable regional distribution of climate adaptation and
mitigation projects, consistent with the purpose of this title, taking
into account regional differences in climate change risks, socioeconomic
conditions and ecological resources.