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SECTION 58-0105
Powers and duties
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 58, TITLE 1
§ 58-0105. Powers and duties.

In implementing the provisions of this article the department is
hereby authorized to:

1. Administer funds generated pursuant to the "clean water, clean air,
and green jobs environmental bond act of 2022 ".

2. In the name of the state, as further provided within this article,
contract to make, within the limitations of appropriations available
therefor, state assistance payments toward the cost of a project
approved, and to be undertaken pursuant to this article.

3. Approve vouchers for the payments pursuant to an approved contract.

4. Enter into contracts with any person, firm, corporation,
not-for-profit corporation, agency or other entity, private or
governmental, for the purpose of effectuating the provisions of this

5. Promulgate such rules and regulations and to develop such forms and
procedures necessary to effectuate the provisions of this article,
including but not limited to requirements for the form, content, and
submission of applications by municipalities for state financial

6. Delegate to, or cooperate with, any other state entity in the
administration of this article.

7. Perform such other and further acts as may be necessary, proper or
desirable to carry out the provisions of this article.