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This entry was published on 2023-08-18
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SECTION 58-0501
Allocation of moneys
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 58, TITLE 5
§ 58-0501. Allocation of moneys.

Of the moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds pursuant to
the environmental bond act of 2022 to be used for open space land
conservation and recreation projects, up to six hundred fifty million
dollars ($650,000,000) shall be available for programs, plans, and
projects developed pursuant to section 58-0503 of this title, however,
not more than seventy-five million dollars ($75,000,000) shall be made
available for the creation of a fish hatchery, or the improvement,
expansion, repair or maintenance of existing fish hatcheries, not less
than three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000) shall be made
available for open space land conservation projects pursuant to
paragraph a of subdivision one of section 58-0503 of this title and not
less than one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) shall be made
available for farmland protection pursuant to paragraph b of subdivision
one of section 58-0503 of this title.