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This entry was published on 2023-08-18
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SECTION 58-1103
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 58, TITLE 11
§ 58-1103. Reporting.

1. No later than sixty days following the end of each fiscal year,
each department, agency, public benefit corporation, and public
authority receiving an allocation or allocations of appropriation
financed from the clean water, clean air, and green jobs environmental
bond act of 2022 shall submit to the commissioner in a manner and form
prescribed by the department, the following information as of March
thirty-first of such fiscal year, within each category listed in this
title: the total appropriation; total commitments; year-to-date
disbursements; remaining uncommitted balances; and a description of each

2. No later than one hundred twenty days following the end of each
fiscal year, the department shall submit to the governor, the temporary
president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly a report that
includes the information received. A copy of the report shall be posted
on the department's website.