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SECTION 71-2305
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 71, TITLE 23
§ 71-2305. Enforcement.

1. The attorney general, upon their own initiative or upon complaint
of the commissioner or local government, shall prosecute persons alleged
to have violated article twenty-four of this chapter.

2. The commissioner or local government shall have the right to seek
equitable relief to restrain any violation or threatened violation of
any provisions of article twenty-four.

3. In exercising its authority pursuant to title eight of article
twenty-four of this chapter, the Adirondack park agency shall have
authority to exercise the powers of the commissioner to enforce article
twenty-four set forth in this title; provided, however, that nothing
herein contained shall empower the agency to exercise the powers granted
the commissioner by section 71-0525 of this article.