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SECTION 71-3607
Coordination with local governments
Environmental Conservation (ENV) CHAPTER 43-B, ARTICLE 71, TITLE 36
§ 71-3607. Coordination with local governments.

1. Whenever the department is granted an environmental easement, it
shall provide each affected local government with a copy of such
easement and shall also provide a copy of any documents modifying or
terminating such environmental easement.

2. Whenever an affected local government receives an application for a
building permit or any other application affecting land use or
development of land that is subject to an environmental easement and
that may relate to or impact such easement, the affected local
government shall notify the department and refer such application to the
department. The department shall evaluate whether the application is
consistent with the environmental easement and shall notify the affected
local government of its determination in a timely fashion, considering
the time frame for the local government's review of the application. The
affected local government shall not approve the application until it
receives approval from the department.