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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 2-1.10
Provisions relating to infants and minors
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 2, PART 1
§ 2-1.10 Provisions relating to infants and minors

(a) Unless the creator expressly provides to the contrary, in any
instrument executed prior to September first, nineteen hundred
seventy-four, the words "minor", "minority", "infant", "infancy",
"majority", "adult" and words of like import shall mean or refer to a
person or a class of persons under the age of twenty-one years or who
shall have reached such age, according to the context, and, unless
otherwise expressly provided in any instrument executed on or after
September first, nineteen hundred seventy-four shall mean or refer to a
person or a class of persons under the age of eighteen years or who
shall have reached such age, according to the context, except that any
designation of a testamentary guardian of a "minor" or an "infant" shall
refer to a guardianship of a person who has not reached the age of
eighteen years, regardless of the date of the instrument containing the

(b) This act shall not apply to distributions made subsequent to
September first, nineteen hundred seventy-four and prior to the
effective date of this act.