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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Conveyance of property of an incompetent or conservatee,
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 3, PART 4
§ 3-4.4 Conveyance of property of an incompetent or conservatee,

previously disposed of specifically by will, not revocation or


In the case of a sale or other transfer by a committee or conservator,
during the lifetime of its incompetent or conservatee, of any property
which such incompetent or conservatee had previously disposed of
specifically by will when he was competent or able to manage his own
affairs, and no order had been entered setting aside the adjudication of
incompetency at the time of such incompetent's death, or the
conservatorship continued through the date of the conservatee's death,
the beneficiary of such specific disposition becomes entitled to receive
any remaining money or other property into which the proceeds from such
sale or transfer may be traced.