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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Revocation or alteration of later will not to revive prior will
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 3, PART 4
§ 3-4.6 Revocation or alteration of later will not to revive prior will

or any provisions thereof

(a) If after executing a will the testator executes a later will which
revokes or alters the prior one, a revocation of the later will does
not, of itself, revive the prior will or any provision thereof.

(b) A revival of a prior will or of one or more of its provisions may
be effected by:

(1) The execution of a codicil which in terms incorporates by
reference such prior will or one or more of its provisions.

(2) A writing declaring the revival of such prior will or of one or
more of its provisions, which is executed and attested in accordance
with the formalities prescribed by this article for the execution and
attestation of a will.

(3) A republication of such prior will, whether to the original
witnesses or to new witnesses, which shall require a re-execution and
re-attestation of the prior will in accordance with the formalities
prescribed by 3-2.1.