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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rebuttable presumptions
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 6, PART 6
§ 6-6.2 Rebuttable presumptions

In determining whether this part applies to specific property acquired
during a marriage by a spouse of that marriage the following rebuttable
presumptions apply:

(a) Property acquired while domiciled in a jurisdiction under whose
laws property could then be acquired as community property is presumed
to have been acquired as or have become, and remained, property to which
this part applies; and

(b) Property acquired while domiciled in a jurisdiction under whose
laws property could not then be acquired as community property, title to
which was taken in a form which created rights of survivorship, is
presumed not to be property to which this part applies.