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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Purchaser for value or lender
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 6, PART 6
§ 6-6.5 Purchaser for value or lender

(a) If a surviving spouse has apparent title to property to which this
part applies, a purchaser for value or a lender taking a security
interest in the property takes his interest in the property free of any
rights of the personal representative or a testamentary beneficiary or
distributee of the decedent.

(b) If a personal representative or a testamentary beneficiary or
distributee of the decedent has apparent title to property to which this
part applies, a purchaser for value or a lender taking a security
interest in the property takes his interest in the property free of any
rights of the surviving spouse.

(c) A purchaser for value or a lender need not inquire whether a
vendor or borrower acted properly.

(d) The proceeds of a sale or creation of a security interest shall be
treated in the same manner as the property transferred to the purchaser
for value or a lender.