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SECTION 7-6.15
Custodian's expenses, compensation, and bond
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 7, PART 6
§ 7-6.15 Custodian's expenses, compensation, and bond

(a) A custodian is entitled to reimbursement from custodial property
for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the custodian's

(b) Except for one who is a transferor under 7-6.4, a custodian has an
election during each calendar year to charge reasonable compensation for
services performed during that year. A custodian's election to charge
reasonable compensation for a calendar year must be exercised during the
calendar year.

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of 7-6.18, a custodian shall
not be required to give a bond.