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Distribution and fees
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6-A
§ 148. Distribution and fees. 1. a. The department of state shall mail
or otherwise deliver a copy of each issue of the state register to the
office of the clerk of every county, to every library designated by the
commissioner of education, and upon written request, to the office of
the clerk of any city, town or village. Such copies shall be made
available for public inspection by such offices and libraries for not
less than one year.

b. On or before September first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, and
annually thereafter, the commissioner of education shall designate a
sufficient number of libraries, not to exceed three hundred, to provide
a uniform, statewide distribution of copies of each issue of the state
register, and shall provide the department of state with a list of such
designated libraries.

2. The department of state shall mail or otherwise deliver a copy of
each regular issue and the quarterly index required by subdivision three
of section one hundred forty-seven of this article to each agency and
every state legislator, unless the agency or state legislator has
requested that the department discontinue such delivery, and shall
provide notice and indicate the availability upon request of any special
issue published pursuant to subdivision two of section one hundred
forty-seven of this article by placing said notice in the regular issue
appearing two weeks prior to the publication date of any such special
issue. Such special issues shall be available to each agency and state
legislator at no charge.

3. Subscriptions to the state register shall be made available to the
public by either first or second class mail, or in electronic form at
the election of the subscriber. A reasonable rate for a subscription to
printed copies of the regular issue and quarterly index required by
subdivision three of section one hundred forty-seven of this article, to
be not more than eighty dollars per year for first class mail delivery
and not more than forty dollars per year for second class mail delivery,
shall be set by the secretary of state. The secretary of state may
charge no more than one dollar and fifty cents per single copy of a
printed regular issue or quarterly index of the state register. Rates
shall not be set at such a level that the anticipated total subscription
revenues exceed the total cost of producing, printing and distributing
the state register.

4. Special issues published pursuant to subdivision two of section one
hundred forty-seven of this article shall be made available to the
public at prices set by the secretary of state to reflect the cost of
producing, printing and distributing the special issues. The notice
provided in subdivision two of this section shall indicate the prices of
the special issues.

4-a. In addition to the state register, the department of state shall
make available at no cost an online version of the weekly state
register, quarterly index and any special issues as directed by statute
or deemed appropriate by the secretary of state.

5. The secretary of state shall be entitled to charge and receive a
reasonable sum from any person required by state statute to cause a
notice to be published in the state register.

6. All fees set by the secretary of state pursuant to this section are
subject to the approval of the director of the budget.