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Local comprehensive emergency management plans
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 2-B
§ 23. Local comprehensive emergency management plans. 1. Each county,
except those contained within the city of New York, and each city with a
population of one million or more, shall prepare a comprehensive
emergency management plan. Each city with a population of less than one
million, town and village is authorized to prepare a comprehensive
emergency management plan. The disaster preparedness commission shall
provide assistance and advice for the development of such plans. Each
city with a population of less than one million, town and village plan
shall be coordinated with the county plan.

2. The purpose of such plans shall be to minimize the effect of
disasters by (i) identifying appropriate local measures to prevent
disasters, (ii) developing mechanisms to coordinate the use of local
resources and manpower for service during and after disasters and the
delivery of services to aid citizens and reduce human suffering
resulting from a disaster, and (iii) providing for recovery and
redevelopment after disasters.

3. Plans for coordination of resources, manpower and services shall
provide for a centralized coordination and direction of requests for

4. Plans for coordination of assistance shall provide for utilization
of existing organizations and lines of authority.

5. In preparing such plans, cooperation, advice and assistance shall
be sought from local government officials, regional and local planning
agencies, police agencies, fire departments and fire companies, local
emergency management agencies, commercial and volunteer ambulance
services, health and social services officials, community action
agencies, the chief administrator of the courts, organizations for the
elderly and the handicapped, agencies and organizations that provide
home health care services, agencies and organizations that provide
hospice services, other interested groups and the general public. Such
advice and assistance may be obtained through public hearings held on
public notice, or through other appropriate and practical methods,
through which such aforementioned groups may offer their input for
consideration on issues that support the effective preparation and
execution of the plan. In addition, in the case of home care and
hospice, such input may address procedures by which such providers may
be granted essential access to care for such patients during an

6. All plans for comprehensive emergency management developed by local
governments or any revisions thereto shall be submitted to the
commission by December thirty-first of each year to facilitate state
coordination of disaster operations.

7. Such plans shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Disaster prevention and mitigation. Plans to prevent and minimize
the effects of disasters shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) identification of hazards and assessment of risk;

(2) recommended disaster prevention and mitigation projects, policies,
priorities and programs, with suggested implementation schedules, which
outline federal, state and local roles;

(3) suggested revisions and additions to building and safety codes and
zoning and other land use programs;

(4) such other measures as reasonably can be taken to protect lives,
prevent disasters, and reduce their impact.

b. Disaster response. Plans to coordinate the use of resources and
manpower for service during and after disasters and to deliver services
to aid citizens and reduce human suffering resulting from a disaster
shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) coordination of resources, manpower and services, using recognized
practices in incident management, utilizing existing organizations and
lines of authority and centralized direction of requests for assistance;

(2) the location, procurement, construction, processing,
transportation, storing, maintenance, renovation, distribution, disposal
or use of materials, including those donated, and facilities and
services which may be required in time of disaster;

(3) a system for warning populations who are or may be endangered;

(4) arrangements for activating municipal and volunteer forces,
through normal chains of command so far as possible, and for continued
communication and reporting;

(5) a specific plan for rapid and efficient communication and for the
integration of local communication facilities during a disaster
including the assignment of responsibilities and the establishment of
communication priorities and liaison with municipal, private, state and
federal communication facilities;

(6) a plan for coordination evacuation procedures including the
establishment of temporary housing and other necessary facilities;

(7) criteria for establishing priorities with respect to the
restoration of vital services and debris removal;

(8) plans for the continued effective operation of the civil and
criminal justice systems;

(9) provisions for training local government personnel and volunteers
in disaster response operations;

(10) providing information to the public;

(11) care for the injured and needy and identification and disposition
of the dead;

(12) utilization and coordination of programs to assist victims of
disasters, with particular attention to the needs of the poor, the
elderly, individuals with disabilities and other groups which may be
especially affected;

(13) control of ingress and egress to and from a disaster area,
including but not limited to, exempting from travel bans those essential
private and public personnel, as determined by the commission, who are
summoned by their employers to assist in emergency services, such as
utility and other workers who need to reach declared emergency areas in
order to perform tasks related to the restoration and/or maintenance of
energy and communications infrastructure;

(14) arrangements to administer state and federal disaster assistance;

(15) procedures under which the county, city, town, village or other
political subdivision and emergency organization personnel and resources
will be used in the event of a disaster;

(16) a system for obtaining and coordinating disaster information
including the centralized assessment of local disaster effects and
resultant needs;

(17) continued operation of governments of political subdivisions; and

(18) utilization and coordination of programs to assist individuals
with household pets and service animals following a disaster, with
particular attention to means of evacuation, shelter and transportation

c. Recovery. Local plans to provide for recovery and redevelopment
after disasters shall include, but not be limited to:

(1) recommendations for replacement, reconstruction, removal or
relocation of damaged or destroyed public or private facilities,
proposed new or amendments to zoning, subdivision, building, sanitary or
fire prevention regulations and recommendations for economic development
and community development in order to minimize the impact of any
potential future disasters on the community.

(2) provision for cooperation with state and federal agencies in
recovery efforts.

(3) provisions for training and educating local disaster officials or
organizations in the preparation of applications for federal and state
disaster recovery assistance.