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Use of local government resources in a disaster
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 2-B
§ 25. Use of local government resources in a disaster. 1. Upon the
threat or occurrence of a disaster, the chief executive of any political
subdivision is hereby authorized and empowered to and shall use any and
all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and other resources of
his political subdivision in such manner as may be necessary or
appropriate to cope with the disaster or any emergency resulting

2. Upon the threat or occurrence of a disaster, a chief executive may
request and accept assistance which is coordinated and directed by the
county chief executive as provided in section twenty-six of this

3. A chief executive may also request and accept assistance from any
other political subdivision and may receive therefrom and utilize any
real or personal property or the service of any personnel thereof on
such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed to by the chief
executives of the requesting and assisting political subdivisions.

4. Upon the receipt of a request for assistance made pursuant to
subdivision two or three of this section, the chief executive of any
political subdivision may give, lend or lease, on such terms and
conditions as he may deem necessary to promote the public welfare and
protect the interests of such political subdivision, any services,
equipment, facilities, supplies or other resources of his political
subdivision. Any lease or loan of real or personal property pursuant to
this subdivision, or any transfer of personnel pursuant hereto, shall be
only for the purpose of assisting a political subdivision in emergency
relief, reconstruction, or rehabilitation made necessary by the

5. A political subdivision shall not be liable for any claim based
upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a
discretionary function or duty on the part of any officer or employee in
carrying out the provisions of this section.

6. The chief executive, when requesting assistance pursuant to this
section may request assistance from the civil defense and disaster
preparedness forces of any other political subdivision, but only if the
civil defense and disaster preparedness forces of the type being
requested have already been activated within the political subdivisions
requesting assistance. The chief executive of any political subdivision
receiving such a request is hereby authorized and empowered, subject to
the provisions of section twenty-six of this article, to respond

7. Any power or authority conferred upon any political subdivision by
this section shall be in addition to and not in substitution for or
limitation of any powers or authority otherwise vested in such
subdivision or any officer thereof.